Using Abel in the Tower


This section describes special features of Abel that are mainly intended for use in towers: in particular, features that are useful if you have sensors on one or more of your bells, connected to the PC running Abel. You may also have footswitches connected, to allow convenient control of the simulator without having to get to the mouse or keyboard. Of course, many features of Abel that don't depend on external bells and switches may also come in useful in the tower: for example, the ability to display and print - and listen to! - the blue line for methods, and the ability to ring from the keyboard (e.g., with headphones on, during a wedding!).

Information on sensors for tower bells is given in External Bells, and on configuring Abel to use the sensors and switches is given in Configuring Abel to use bell sensors and Configuring Abel to use control switches. This section assumes you've already installed and tested your sensors and switches. It also assumes you've set Abel's general options appropriately for use in your tower: for example, the ringing speed, bell sound, and rope/sally pictures; you do this by clicking the Options menu, then clicking on Ringing Options, Sound Options and Screen/Print Options, respectively. Notice that the Sound Options also allow you to specify that you want Mono sound: Abel normally provides a stereo effect, matching the circle of bells on screen, but you can turn this off if you don't find it helpful in the tower.

When all this is set up, there are two main ways to use Abel with external bells: for Silent Practice and as a Tower Bell simulator.

A few points apply to both of these:

Click on one of the buttons below to find out more about how to use Abel in the tower:

  Silent Practice
  Tower Bell Simulator