Random method compositions - Overview
Random method compositions are similar to lead-end compositions in the way that you specify methods and calls as either plain leads or using specific calls. However, the calls (and any changes of method, if you are ringing spliced) will be made entirely at random with no attempt to be either true or musical. These types of composition are intended to be used for practice when you are learning a method or spliced, and are random so that you don't know what is coming next.
When you have selected to ring a random composition, different changes are generated every time you click on Start or press the Show Blue Line button . If the touch Abel generates results in more than 60,000 rows, or takes more than 10 seconds to generate, a warning message will be displayed and the touch will be truncated.
You can use comments in your composition to make it easier to read.
Important Note. Touches generated by Abel using random compositions are exactly that - they are NOT guaranteed to be true, not to split the tenors, or be musical. They are for practice only. If truth or musicality is important to you, then you should use other means to generate touches.
Click on the links below to find out more about random compositions.
See also: