Adding methods


This section tells you how to add methods to a method collection file, and includes a description of the different things you have to specify so that Abel can ring that method. These include the method name, its place notation, how calls affect the method, and, optionally, where to find a recording of that method's name to use as a verbal "Go" prompt.

The usual way to add a method is to get it from the microSIRIL libraries, but you can also add methods yourself by typing in the place notation. The microSIRIL libraries include the place notation for over 9000 named methods, at all stages from 4 to 16 bells, and using them with Abel requires that you to do little more than type the name of the method you want.

To add a method, click on the Edit menu item and then on Add Method. The Add Method dialog will be shown:

If you are adding lots of methods, fill in each method's details and click on Add, then click on Finish when you are done. If you are only adding one method, you can click on the Add/Finish button to add the method and return to Abel in one operation.

Click on one of the buttons below to find out how to fill in the method details or how to use the microSIRIL libraries:

  Specifying method details yourself
  Using the microSIRIL library to add a method
  Place notation

See also:
  Selecting method collections
  Editing methods
  Deleting methods
  Call changes