Changing the ringing speed
To change the speed Abel is currently ringing at, use the up/down arrows next to the peal speed box on the left-hand side of the screen. Alternatively, you can click in the peal speed box and type a new speed - you can do this at any time whether the bells are ringing or are set. Peal times are always shown as hours and minutes (e.g. 2:20 for 2 hours and 20 minutes), though if you prefer you can enter your speed as changes per minute. To do this, just type the number without a colon – for example, if you type 34 into the peal speed box, Abel calculates that 34 changes per minute means 2 hours and 28 minutes
You can also change the speed by pressing the K key (speed up: Kwicker!) or D key (slow Down). This has exactly the same effect as clicking the up/down arrows next to the peal speed box.
Abel varies the ringing speed, depending on the number of bells ringing: longer peal times for more bells. If you want to change the Abel's ringing speed for some number of bells other then the current one, you can do this in the Ringing Options.
If you use the AutoStart facility, Abel will (optionally) change the speed of the ringing to match that of the ringer.
Abel records in the current option file the speeds set for the various numbers of bells. If you have changed the ringing speed by any of the above means, and not saved the current set of options, then when you close Abel it will ask whether you wish to save the changed options.
See also: